#TOK Pinterest Scrapbook Project


English: Red Pinterest logo

English: Red Pinterest logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


To wrap up the first unit, we will be setting up our Pinterest Scrapbooks (Assignment Sheet). We will be continuing this project till next January. You will be creating a board for each unit and pinning content that relates to it. For all the details, review the assignment sheet.

For the first board:

Board 1: What is Knowledge? (50 Points/Major)

Due Date: 6/14

Focus: Think about the ideas we talked about in this unit. Try to find examples or extensions of those ideas. When possible, make connections to new or different ideas as long as they are related.

Set Up Assignment (20 Points/Minor)

  1. Create a Pinterest Account

  2. Setup your profile and first board

  3. Follow me (BTHSTOK)

  4. Fill out the class list

  5. Follow others in the class

The emphasis will always be on creativity, passion, and originality

If you have any questions, please feel free to use the comments section!

#TOK Subplans Thursday 6/13

For class on Thursday 6/13 (B-Day) we will be meeting in the HIVE. Please bring your TOK Textbook.

  1. Work on the Pinterest Project.
  2. Complete Reading Guide 4: Perception and submit it to turnitin.com
  3. Start Reading Guide 5: Reason.

If you haven’t be sure that you finish Reading Guide 3: Language. If there aren’t enough computers, feel free to work in partners on the reading guides.

Also, Happy Birthday to Riley and Nick N!

#TOK H/W 2.2: Lost in Translation

For this assignment you will attempt to find words or phrases that do not translate directly into English. You may either use an example from a language you are fluent in or search the interweb. Please review the assignment sheet and be sure to bring in a hardcopy.

My example (Which you can’t steal):

“l’esprit de l’escalier”

The literal meaning is “the spirit of the stairway.” It is used to describe the feeling when you’ve had an argument and a smart  comeback pops into your head after its too late (i.e. You’re walking away from the situation). Think of it as “afterwit”


This name for the phenomenon comes from French encyclopedist and philosopher Denis Diderot‘s description of such a situation in his Paradoxe sur le comédien.[1] During a dinner at the home of statesman Jacques Necker, a remark was made to Diderot which left him speechless at the time, because, he explains, “l’homme sensible, comme moi, tout entier à ce qu’on lui objecte, perd la tête et ne se retrouve qu’au bas de l’escalier” (“a sensitive man, such as myself, overwhelmed by the argument levelled against him, becomes confused and can only think clearly again [when he reaches] the bottom of the stairs”). In this case, “the bottom of the stairs” refers to the architecture of the kind ofhôtel particulier or mansion to which Diderot had been invited. In such houses, the reception rooms were located on the étage noble, one floor above the ground floor,[2] so that to have reached the bottom of the stairs means to have definitively left the gathering in question.

H/W 1.5 Spot the Knowledge Issue #TOK #IBTOK

Classical Definition of Kno

Classical Definition of Kno (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Please review the handout, Can You Spot the Knowledge Issue. Indicate which is and is not a knowledge issue. For the ones which aren’t, briefly explain why.

  • Due: 6/7 & 6/10
  • Deliverable: Hardcopy to class (10 points Pass/Fail)

What are knowledge issues you ask? The answer after the break.

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